Find your own POWER with coaching!

„Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible“

Tony Robbins

Coaching is right for you, if…

  • you want to make a decision and need guidance
  • you are looking for a sparring partner
  • you want to find your strengths and resources again
  • you want to overcome negative beliefs or doubts
  • you want to feel joy in your job again
  • you need clarity about your professional future
  • you are preparing for job interviews or salary negotiations
  • you would like to work on your work-life-family-balance
  • you want to reduce your mental load
  • you want to find your goals
  • you want to get out of a negative thought spiral
  • you want to change your career
  • you want to bring more relaxation and mindfulness into your life
  • you want to discover and realise a vision.

In coaching, we always work in a resource- and solution-oriented way.

Having a goal in mind helps you to find the way and focus.

And you don’t have to do it alone. You find YOUR goal and YOUR path, I just help you to see more clearly.

1:1 Coaching

Every coaching session is as individual as you are.

Together we look at your current topic and you choose whether we meet online or in my bright coaching room in Vienna’s 6th district.

If you are in an application process and would like to hear my opinion as a recruiting expert, we can also check your application documents (CV, motivational letter).
Just get in touch with your questions.


1 Coaching (around 75 min.): € 150,-

3 Coachings: € 400,-

CV optimization (45 Min.): € 90,-

LinkedIn Training

What does your profile need in order to be found?

How can you attract the attention of recruiters?

How can you become visible with your products and services?

What content works on LinkedIn?

How does networking work on LinkedIn?

We will answer all these questions in the training. Depending on how much experience you have with the platform, we will need 1 – 3 training sessions. The training takes place online.


1 Training (around 60 min.): € 160,-

3 Trainings: € 450,-

Envision your dreams

Sometimes our mind is too loud and we just want to relax and stop thinking.

This is the chance. Let’s go on a journey to your dreams, to your visions.

We look at your needs and I guide you into a relaxing journey to your desires, your vision, your safe space.

All you have to do is lean back or lie down comfortably and listen to the journey.

It’s amazing to feel the strong impact of our inner pictures. Just by receiving and relaxing.


1 online Vision journey (around 60 min.): € 120,-

Empowerment Journey
3 months guidance

Sometimes we feel that it is time for something new, but perhaps we cannot yet grasp what the new way looks like.

Sometimes we are in the middle of a process of transformation and need a clear goal. A vision.

Sometimes it is necessary to change careers.

I can support you with my guidance over 3 months by looking at your goals and your resources, we optimise your LinkedIn profile and bring your CV up to date and you create your vision board to make your vision visible every day. This is your EMPOWERMENT JOURNEY!

A wonderful journey towards your vision. Towards your future. You will find your way.


€ 860,-

Guidance for 3 months

Coachings, LinkedIn Training, Vision Board Workshop

We meet bi-weekly and we can have contact via Whatsapp for questions in between.

If you want to use the power of nature in coaching, we can also meet outdoors. While walking, we get into a flow, which can also support to free your mind and you may come up with completely different ideas. In addition, the green of nature helps us to relax more quickly.

The place? The beautiful Vienna Woods or Schönbrunn Palace Park.

Why you should work with me:

Coaching Trainings completed
times I fell and stood up again
years of experience in recruiting
Job Interviews done
crises mastered and found a new vision
years of life experience

I guide you with a lot of empathy, understanding, respect and joy while we look at your individual needs.

My versatility and experience will also support you in finding your goals and visions, and you can benefit from a wide range of methods and tools.

In addition to classic systemic coaching, where I support you in finding your solution by asking various questions, we can also use your body and emotional intelligence in coaching with the help of hypnosystemic methods.

I know the limits of my possibilities. If your needs exceed my possibilities, I can refer you to trusted therapists or coaches in my network.

If you still have questions:

we can have a free initial call to find out if we have a match and if my approach is right for you.

Feel free to send me an email or make an appointment in my Calendly. I look forward to getting to know you!

True empowerment…

…comes from within.

When we understand what we’re capable of, when we see our courage, when we take care of ourselves, we can live a fulfilled life. A life that we envision.